Monitoring Reports​

​As WHO Collaborating Centre and EU Reference Laboratory, we have experienced that it can be difficult to locate national surveillance and zoonosis reports on the Internet. Therefore, to facilitate an easy pathway of dissemination of the data, we here provide links to a number of reports. Supplemental infomation may be sent to the webmaster.

Directive 2003/99/EC states that Member States (MS) shall collect relevant and comparable data in order to identify and characterise hazards, to assess exposures and to characterise risks related to zoononoses and zoonotic agents. Additionally, MS shall ensure that monitoring provides comparable data on the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic agents and, in so far as they present a threat to public health, other agents.

A manual for reporting on zoonoses, zoonotic agents, antimicrobial resistance and food-borne outbreaks is available from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (Report of the Task Force on Zoonoses Data Collection - Manual for Reporting on Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents, Antimicrobial Resistance and Food-borne Outbreaks in the framework of Directive 2003/99/EC and on some other pathogenic microbiological agents for information derived from the reporting year 2006, The EFSA Journal (2007), 100, 1-86 (see

Link to zoonoses reports can be found here


​Link to the Informe anual de la Red Latinoamericana de Vigilancia de la Resistencia a los Antibióticos - 2010 covering Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, United States of America, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Venezuela (full report in Spanish)


Link to the Australian surveillance for antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from livestock: here


BulSTAR is a national network of 20 public laboratories, 82 hospital-, and 63 private laboratories, covering practically the whole population. Results are made available to the public on the Internet site of BAM ( (Bulgarian).​


Link to Canadian monitoring reports: CIPARS

See also the data presented by the Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Alliance, and the FoodNet Canada


Link to the Danish monitoring reports: DANMAP

See also the animated presentation: King Harold and how the Bugs Lost Their Bite


Link to information on the Finnish monitoring programme: FINRES-Vet​


Link to French monitoring reports: RESAPATH


The Japanese One-Health Report (Nippon AMR One Health Report (NAOR) 2017

The Netherlands

Link to the Dutch monitoring reports: MARAN


Link to the Norwegian monitoring reports: Norm Norm-Vet Report


Link to Russian monitoring information: here


Link to the Spanish antimicrobial resistance surveillance network: VAV reports


Link to the Swedish monitoring reports: SVARM reports


Link to the Swiss monitoring reports: Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Report


Link to the Thai monitoring information: NARST

United Kingdom​

The annual report on antimicrobial resistance in Veterinary Bacteria - the VLA Antimicrobial Sensitivity Report:​

United States of America

Link to the NARMS monitoring reports

Link to the Antimicrobial Resistance Management (ARM) Program


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Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute

CVR: 30060946



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